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Welcome to Zaia Designs

Hi, I’m Reyam and welcome to my vibrant world! We're a team of 4 (wife, hubby, 2 kiddos).


Whether it's a wedding, a birthday, or any special occasion, our creative touches will make your event shine brighter than the Sydney sun. Let us take care of the backdrops, centerpieces, and every little detail that will make your celebration unforgettable.


Our passion for styling knows no bounds. From elegant florals to exquisite plinths, we'll transform your venue into a masterpiece that perfectly reflects your unique style. Trust us to create an ambiance that will leave your guests awestruck and your memories forever cherished.


Every event we decorate is a chapter in our grand tale of beauty and creativity. Join us on this amazing journey and let Zaia Designs turn your special moments into magical memories that last a lifetime.

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